Setting yourself up for Success in a new role – the Do's and Dont's!
Starting a new role is often equally exciting as it is daunting. Those first few days are all about learning, showcasing your worth, getting to know the culture and how the business operates all while leaving a good impression. By making sure you follow these simple tips you will be set up for success and eliminate stressors as you settle into a new work environment.
· Keep an eye out on traffic to your new office - log into google maps for the time of your commute to understand the likely travel time
· Investigate parking availability before you arrive as there is nothing worse than the stress of trying to find a decent parking spot and potentially starting late
· If you enjoy heading out for a coffee in the morning, arrive a little earlier with one in hand, so that you are not asking to pop out for a coffee on your first morning of induction
· Be willing to help and get stuck in, asking questions if you're unsure where things are at or what to do, to show proactivity
· If the role has areas of work you're not familiar with (e.g. if you're switching legal practice areas with the new role), then see what reading or knowledge you can pick up beforehand to give yourself the best start in the new role
· Be open to learning how to do things differently i.e. come with the right attitude.
· Take a well-prepared lunch and snack that doesn't need to be heated up or cooked on your first day so that you are able to suss out the kitchen facilities to see what is available for you in the future
· Switch your personal phone on do not disturb so that you are not continually interrupted
· Be well presented and dress professionally, once you suss out the teams dress code you can dress more casually if appropriate
· Get drunk and start acting a fool at social work events. It's fine to unwind and have a good time but remember you're still in a professional setting and colleagues as well as your manager will likely remember any bad behaviour
· Overshare about your personal life, especially when it's early on in the new role and you barely know those you're working with
· Assume your working hours, lunch hours and when you leave on the first day
· Ignore co-workers offers of help - welcome them to your desk, even if you have worked in the system before as they may be showing you a new way of doing your role and it helps build relationships internally early on
· Turn down an invitation to grab coffee or head out to lunch, this is an opportunity to connect with your new colleagues out of the office
· Complain about your previous boss or workplace or engage in office gossip
With these tips for success all you need is the new job, get in touch with our expert legal recruiters to find your new role.