Image 2024 04 29 T02 56 41
Image 2024 04 29 T02 56 41


Mentorship matters

Mentorship matters

​Having a professional mentor can be a game-changer for lawyers. A mentor provides guidance, supp...

The Right to Disconnect

The Right to Disconnect

​In an increasingly connected world, striking a balance between work and personal life has become...

Why work with a recruiter?

Why work with a recruiter?

​In the challenging landscape of job hunting, candidates often ponder the necessity of recruitmen...

Unconscious Bias

Unconscious Bias

Being aware and eliminating unconscious bias in the recruitment process is crucial to establishin...

The Workload Juggle

The Workload Juggle

In the fast-paced, always accessible working environment we currently operate within it can be in...